IVF with vitrified oocytes

Stimulation of a donor and cryopreservation of the obtained oocytes in an asynchronous cycle. Modern vitrification technologies allow obtaining high-quality oocytes, which are perfectly thawed and give high-quality embryos after fertilization.

IVF with vitrified oocytes

There are cases when women do not have their own viable eggs, due to various reasons: natural age factor, some gynaecological problems or surgery on ovaries. Such patients are at high risk of not having eggs of their own, or can produce few number or poor quality eggs.

Who uses vitrified oocytes?

  • Women who undergone cancer treatment
  • Women without ovaries
  • Women experiencing early menopause or premature ovarian failure
  • Women with multiple unsuccessful IVF cycles
  • Women with a family history of genetic disease
  • Women with low response to ovulation induction
  • Women ages 35 or older

Do you have questions? Will be glad to answer any of your questions


  • If you are working with our in-house frozen donor egg bank you have immediate access to material, eggs can be withdrawn whenever you’re ready
  • It is possible to withdraw only one or two donor cells in addition to your own eggs at a day of retrieval just to be on a safe side in case a woman has a poor ovarian reserve. A woman also can make a decision to use donor eggs on the day of a retrieval in case she does not obtain her material but wishes to complete the protocol.
  • The possibility of acquiring only a few oocytes is more financial savvy.

Do you have more questions regarding IVF with donor vitrified oocytes in our clinic? Please make an appointment with an IVF doctor leaving a request on the web-site or phone.

IVF with vitrified oocytes

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